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Who hearts you? Cute, teeny, tiny hand knitted socks make an original lovely pin or a beatiful Christmas tree ornament.
Or carry the little sock in your knitting bag as a good luck charm.
Each sock is approximately 3" tall. Price: $11.95 plus $1.25 shipping.
Click on the image to enlarge the sock. Add the purchase to your shopping basket.
You can choose from two convenient payments: google or paypal.

Heart Sock #1

Heart Sock #2

Heart Sock #3

Heart Sock #4

Heart Sock #5

Heart Sock #6

Heart Sock #7

Heart Sock #8

Heart Sock #9

Heart Sock #10

Heart Sock #11

Heart Sock #12

All of the works on this website are protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States of America.  
These artworks may not be reproduced without the permission of the artist.

Copyright © Buffalo Girls Productions 2002